I knew this Autumn would be busy. We had a new weekly drama group starting up, our annual Christmas pantomime (with a cast of over 55 actors) to create, a series of inclusive training schemes to organise, introducing people to backstage, design and technical aspects of theatre production. A Hidden Disabilities Project that brought teenagers together with our EqD learning disabled actors to devise a show that was then performed to over 400 year 8 pupils and the Mayor of Croydon.
There were additional corporate workshops, weekly rehearsals, the introduction of Shakespeare’s play As You Like It to our Young Company, the continued development of The Spy Project with our Adult Company – not to mention the task of bringing teachers and pupils onstage together at Wandle Valley School for THEIR end-of-year production AND switching on the Christmas Lights in Cheam Village.ON TOP OF WHICH – the term ALSO saw us campaign to save The Cryer Theatre in Carshalton, and submit a bid to take over its management in 2017.
Props are now sorted. Costumes are now hung up and all that remains is to regain our strength for what will be an even busier new year!
