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Saturday Stripping and Selfies


Last Saturday was very surreal. I’d just landed back in England, after holidaying in Egypt (the hottest country EVER) and here I was, sat under a gazebo in Carshalton Beeches at 8am on a freezing morning, trying to apply full panto makeup to my face. Ten minutes earlier and you would’ve seen me stripping out of my regular clothes into the elaborate Queen of Hearts costume behind said gazebo. Still in full view of everyone mind, but I was jet-lagged, it was early and I had no shame. The things I do for SAVVY.

Why, you might ask? Well, as a cast member of the fabulous Alice’s Mad Tea Party, I wanted to do my bit for the marketing side of things. As I said, I’d been away for two weeks during the most crucial time of rehearsals and this was my (hugely fun) payback. Other members of the cast had done a great job flyering and promoting the previous week at Honeywood Museum and various high street, so now it was my turn. It was brilliant.

All done up as Queenie, with the amazing White Rabbit (Sandra) and her awesome daughter, Evie (dressed as the March Hare) we were let loose on the locals of Carshalton Beeches, especially those entering the ever-popular Stennings Bakery.

About an hour in, after demanding tarts from those inside the bakery and actually being brought one, possibly out of fear, in my arrogant state of the Queen, I decided it would be a great idea to wave at passing traffic. Cue utter madness, SAVVY style. We had cheers, endless beeping, waving and the odd wolf whistle. It was a ball.

I was having so much fun I’d forgotten our actual purpose – to promote SAVVY’s upcoming production! Samia Tossio (the most amazing woman) was selling #savvyalice merchandise to much success too! Magnets, badges, tshirts – oh my! The local shops and business were fantastic, the exposure was priceless and we ended up boosting ticket sales! Even better! The amount of selfies and photos I took with locals and passers-by would even make Kim Kardashian weep. I even received quite a few kisses – never a bad thing!

It really was an amazing first day back in England – if not a long one!



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Registered Charity Number:  1179492

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youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
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