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Stars In Their Eyes


I was reminded (again) today, that prejudice and fear is a learned behaviour. We are not born with it.

How was I reminded? By an alarm going off. A weekly alarm that is set during our YounGrrr Company sessions to remind us (to remind a member), to take her medication.

It’s never an issue. The group are used to it, but on this occasion a member asked, with all innocence and genuine inquisitee “What’s the medication for?”

The workshop facilitator responded, without missing a beat, “You’re welcome to ask, but it’s up to the member to decide if she wants to tell us.” See – we have an open question policy at SAVVY. No question is off limits if it is honestly asked. Simple.

And it was answered. Honestly and simply. And then another member told the group about her condition – she has a syndrome which means she literally has Stars in her Eyes.

Everyone was impressed and even jealous. One commented how beautiful it was.

And it was.

And knowing that this member has had difficulty from people in the past because of her syndrome, to have her leave the session being told she was beautiful (which she is), brought tears to my eyes.

Why? Because despite diversity and inclusion being (finally), a major discussion point and consideration with all businesses (not just the Culture Sector) – looking at their recruitment policies and staff training – we are STILL a society that automatically excludes or undervalues individuality … which let’s face it – we all have and all are. And with the pressures on young people (especially), to conform, and not stand out, or to ensure they hide anything that might make them different or a target for bullying, how incredibly proud do I feel, that at SAVVY we have created a space, a world – a family – that not only celebrates the individual and develops their potential, but also creates incredible theatre shows in the process.



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Registered Charity Number:  1179492

youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
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