Running from one rehearsal to another is nothing new for me – however as I arrived for the first session back for the SAVVY Adult Company I could hear a commotion in progress. The amazing Lewis Penfold, our wonderful Fight & Movement Director was leading an energetic session with a group of mixed ability, mixed ages and highly smiley faces!
I’ve been lucky enough to know Lewis for around 15 years and he is as inspirational as he is crazy – crazy in the SAVVY way … ready for anything, happy to play and full of unabated joy and energy for the work he loves. Oh and he’s brilliant too. So on a cold Thursday night he had everyone sweating, sword-fighting and (dare I say it) swearing – but in a good way!
The SAVVY Adult Company has really come into their own over the past few years. It all started with the amazing production ‘Coke Floats & Chemo’ starring the wonderful Yvonne Newbold. Based on her blog and premiering at the Brighton Fringe, this show launched the new ‘voice’ of the group – personal, fun, ambitious and new. Last year they produced ‘Romeo & Juliet at Honeywood’ – a sell-out triumph … and then at Christmas they behaved in a monstrously silly way with a new take on an old Chinese Fable.
And now … well I can’t tell you any details yet, suffice to say that the energy and commitment being shown by the group already hints at something unique, special and surprising … On Guard! And don’t lose your head …
