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The Take-2 Drama Group

Take-2 is a weekly drama group for adults with a learning disability.  


Their shows range from original group-devised pieces to re-imaginings of classic works and they regularly work in partnership with other SAVVY groups and the wider community.

In 2011 their co-production of Romeo & Juliet with local teenagers became a National Children & Young People Now! Awards finalist and their recent production of Lost In Space was re-developed into a sensory workshop experience with Output Arts and years 3 - 5 pupils from the Oasis Academy Rylands.


Recently they performed in 'The Six' an original re-interpretation of one of the lesser-known tales, as part of SAVVY Theatre's Grimmly Season at Fairfield Halls.


The Take-2 drama group meets  Wednesdays  during term time from  11.30am - 1.30pm  at our SAVVY Studio, Fairfield Halls in Croydon.

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Registered Charity Number:  1179492

youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
youth theatre drama croydon fairfield halls community
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